Friday, March 30, 2012


I'm not sure about you but usually my weeks go just as I plan them. Oh wait, that's just a fantasy. Although I did have plans this week that never happened there is always next week!
Here is a little snap shot of the goings-on (yes that is a real word) in our little world.

Out of all the toys she has, she LOVES the old cell phone that we let her play with.
My new FAV breakfast. McCann's Steal Cut Irish Oatmeal w/ honey, pecans and craisens! YUM-O!

I'm trying to actually find time to sit and eat a meal. Instead of eating on the fly. I stole this lunch idea from Andrea (tuna salad with roman lettuce instead of bread and my favorite oranges Cara-Cara!

Did you know if you stick green onions (or scallions if you're fancy) in water they will grow! It's true and trust me, I can't grow anything.

Yes! My new tree that I've been wanting for-e-ver!

Everlee loves books just like her momma!

I'm linking up with Life Rearranged! You should too!


  1. Ooooo.... you and I share the same Starbucks mug. It's my favorite!!!!

  2. I love how she sits with her toes curled under and off the floor :).
    And yea for lettuce wraps ... I'm on a qwest to reduce carbs and these are working well. I didn't love the tuna salad as much as the chicken salad though.
    Steel cut oats ... are you using the quick cook McCanns? Matt LOVES them, but prefers the longer cooking method. We have switched from McCanns to Bob's {which happens to be what is in bulk at WinCo}. It takes longer, but the texture is much 'nuttier' :D.
    Last ... Yea for a new post!
