Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pity Party of One

I've always prided myself in being "tough" and to not show too much negative emotion... but this week has been rough. Not for any particular reason, it's just been one of those weeks. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?! If I can be a little transparent...

I've been loving staying home with my little girl. With the days getting closer to the 8 weeks I told my work I'd take off for maternity leave, I'm getting really emotional about going back, even on a part-time basis. I'm frustrated with the way I let myself get so worried about my job. It's just a job and now I have a more important one. I also am frustrated by the way they depend on me too much. This may sound funny because I think we all like to be depended on, but it gets old sometimes.
Does anyone ever wish God would give you the solution so easily you don't have any other question as to what to do?!
Whew...okay enough with that...just had to get it off my chest! But seriously...would you want to leave this little one at all??
She is at her first Meridian High Volleyball game... not to sure she is enjoying it.

I caught them napping together, Greg said he was going to put her in her room and later I find them here! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your week! I will be praying that it ends well. That cute baby girl of yours is so adorable. She better learn to love volleyball, right? ;) Love the pic of her sleeping, both arms over her head!
