Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful {Day 1}

Last year I started the Thankful Days in November a little late, which is completly normal for me to be late with and for most things so I'm really impressed with myself that I'm on time with this one!

Thankful Day 1-
Today I'm extra thankful for Greg. Since his first work trip in May he has been out of town since this last week. He has come home for a few days in between but all in all he has been gone a lot.
It's so hard on all of us when he is gone, I think mostly him! We've grown a lot in our marriage the last few months and I'm so thankful for how hard he works for us. I'm also thankful that he is home for awhile now, Everlee is too!

This was from our church Harvest Carnival last night. As you can see Greg just came from work after just getting back the night before. He is trooper!

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